Loreto Education Trust
Both Mary Ward and Teresa Ball responded to the needs of their time by establishing schools and using the work of education to spread the message of the Gospel. These schools flourished and by the middle of the 20th Century, there were almost thirty schools in Ireland which drew their defining ethos from the Spirit of the Loreto Congregation.
Over time lay colleagues shared in the delivery of education, the leadership and management of the schools. The final link in that chain was sharing the Trusteeship of our schools. In 2003 the Congregational Leader and her council established the Loreto Education Trust with responsibility for this Trusteeship.
Both Sisters and lay people are appointed as Directors of the Trust. This body will ensure that the Loreto ethos is both safeguarded and developed in our schools into the future.
Loreto Education Trust is the body responsible for the Loreto schools and it serves the schools through the Loreto Education Centre.
Mission Statement of the Trust:
Holding in trust the gift of Mary Ward’s distinctive vision, we undertake trusteeship of the Loreto enterprise of education now and into the future.
Working out of IBVM (Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary) core values and facilitating their contemporary expression within Loreto Schools, we exercise the function of trusteeship through:
• On-going dialogue with the wider Loreto Community
• Two-way communication with the schools
• Support of the Loreto Network of Schools
• Leadership development
Loreto Education Trust Annual Reports